Wisconsin Hawthorn Project

Western Region: Trauma Informed Training
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Held at Beaver Creek Reserve in the Woodland Room; (https://www.beavercreekreserve.org)
S1 County Hwy K,
Fall Creek, WI 54742

Cost: FREE

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory (25%), intermediate (50%), and advanced (25%) content. 

The capacity for the training is 50 people. Registrants that exceed the 50-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Curious about the impact? Check out our data from the 2018 Western Regional Training!
This was the FIRST training in the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project initiative. The training is complete and feedback has been analyzed.

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Out of the 35 people who initially registered for the training, 22 people attended.
Out of the 22 attendees, 18 filled out the feedback/evaluation form.

Compared to before the training, 2 people (10.5%) felt significantly more competent, 12 people felt more competent (63.2%) and 5 people (26.3%) did not feel any change in their competency in trauma-informed care with clientele.

73.7% of respondents stated that they were likely or very likely to seek additional training from the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project.

As a result of this initial feedback, upcoming trainings have been modified. In particular, we will be focusing on accessibility, as well as strategies to moderate the wide range of knowledge/TIC exposure in the training audience.

Northern Region: Trauma Informed Training
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Training is COMPLETE
Held at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center (https://www.nglvc.org/home.html)
29270 Co Hwy G
Ashland, WI 54806

Interpreters, Translators, and Accommodations Available Upon Request.
Limited Space Available: This training is FULL

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory and intermediate/advanced content. 

Coffee and snacks will be available onsite.
Lunch is on your own.

The capacity for the training is 40 people. Registrants that exceed the 40-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Southern Region: Trauma Informed Training
Monday, November 25, 2019
9:00am - 4:30pm

Interpreters, Translators, and Accommodations Provided

Held at the Fitchburg Public Library
5530 Lacy Rd
Fitchburg, WI 53711

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory and intermediate/advanced content. 

Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Lunch is on your own.

The capacity for the training is 50 people. Registrants that exceed the 50-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Curious about the impact? Check out our data from the 2018 Southern Regional Training.
This was the second training in the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project initiative. The training is complete and feedback has been analyzed.

Out of the 27 people who initially registered for the training, 20 people attended (include 3 on the Zoom Webinar platform).
Out of the 20 attendees, 11 filled out the feedback/evaluation form.

Compared to before the training, 2 people (18.2%) felt significantly more competent, 6 people felt more competent (54.5%) and 3 people (27.3%) did not feel any change in their competency in trauma-informed care with clientele. Meanwhile, those numbers increased to almost 75% feeling more competent or significantly more competent in trauma-informed care with team members at work.

100% of respondents stated that they found the training both impactful and informative. Subsequently, over 80% shared that they were likely to apply for the Train-the-Trainer Learning Collaborative.

Written feedback will influence the refinement of upcoming trainings. In particular, we will continue to explore creative ways to address the wide range of skill levels and experience levels in the room.

Northeastern Region: Trauma Informed Training
Friday, November 8, 2019
9:00am - 4:30pm

Interpreters, Translators, and Accommodations Available Upon Request.

Training is COMPLETE
Held at the College of Menominee Nation - Keshena Campus in the Culture Building (http://www.menominee.edu/default.aspx)
N172 Hwy 47/55
Keshena, WI 54135

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory and intermediate/advanced content. 

Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Lunch is on your own.

The capacity for the training is 50 people. Registrants that exceed the 50-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Southeastern Region: Trauma Informed Training
Monday, November 18, 2019
9:00am - 4:30pm

Interpreters, Translators, and Accommodations Available Upon Request.

Held at Blue Lotus Farm (https://www.bluelotusfarm.org/)
5501 Co Hwy M,
West Bend, WI 53095

Cost: FREE
Limited Space Available

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory (25%), intermediate (50%), and advanced (25%) content. 

Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Lunch is on your own.

The capacity for the training is 50 people. Registrants that exceed the 50-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Additional trainings in the Core Curriculum Content
Available upon request at a limited basis.

Upcoming Trainings

Due to an end in funding from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, there are no additional trainings. If you would like trauma-informed training or consultation, you have three options through WHP:

1) Watch our free, online training videos.

2) You can contact one of the 12 agencies that completed the Train-the-Trainer Learning Collaborative in order to receive local training and support. Fees apply.
Northern Region: New Day Advocacy Center; Iron County Human Services
Western Region: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse; Turningpoint for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Northeastern Region: Wise Women Gathering Place
Southeastern Region: Milwaukee Center for Children and Youth; Women’s and Children’s Horizons of Kenosha
Southern Region: Juneau County Health Department; Milestone Democratic School; Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS)

3) Contact the developer of the curriculum, Jessica Dallman, at Natural Wisdom Counseling LLC in order to receive customized training or consultation. Fees apply.

Previous Trainings

January 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
LCO Community College Auditorium
Hayward, WI
in collaboration with the LCO Community Health Center

March 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019
Sparta, WI
in collaboration with Brighter Tomorrows

May 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Madison, WI
in collaboration with UW-AADAIP

December 2019

Monday, December 2 at Diverse and Resilient, Milwaukee

February 2020

Monday, February 10th, 12:15-1:15pm at Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation, Madison, WI (private)

April 2020

Wednesday, April 29th, 9:00am-12:00pm
Trauma Training in Spanish in collaboration with Roots4Change Cooperative; 3 CEUs available
This training took place via Zoom Webinar.

May 2020

Thursday, May 28th, 9:00am-3:00pm
Advanced Training: Trauma and TIC in the Context of Gender and Sexuality
This training took place via Zoom Webinar. 6 CEUs available.
General Admission: $25 plus taxes
6 CEU credits: $50 plus taxes