
Webinar access was provided during the Southern (November 8, 2018) and Southeastern (November 27, 2018) trainings.

Stay tuned for additional webinars in the future.


Promotional Video

The above video has English captions embedded.

The above video has English subtitles and an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter window embedded.

The above video has English subtitles and a Cued Language Transliterator (CLT) window embedded.

Training Videos

Training videos are in four versions: English subtitles only, subtitles and American Sign Langauge (ASL) interpretation, subtitles and Cued Language Transliteration (CLT), and Spanish subtitles only. Click the link below to see the version of the video that you prefer. Each video has a transcript to accompany it, as well.

WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 1 (English Subtitles)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 1 (English Subtitles & American Sign Language interpretation)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 1 (English Subtitles & Cued Language Transliteration)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 1 (Spanish Subtitles)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 1 (Transcript)

WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 2 (English Subtitles)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 2 (English Subtitles & American Sign Language interpretation)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 2 (English Subtitles & Cued Language Transliteration)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 2 (Spanish Subtitles)
WHP Core Curriculum Training Part 2 (Transcript)

The Department of Health has a number of recording trainings addressing the connection between trauma-informed care and the opioid epidemic. To see some of their resources, trainings, and videos, go the website: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/opioids/conferences.htm


External Videos

The following videos are selected as resources for several reasons:
1) Demonstration of child development
2) Demonstration of the importance of early relationships
3) Additional information about the impact of stress and trauma
4) Additional information about neuroscience
5) Additional information about resilience, recovery, and post-traumatic growth

Videos Included in the Core Curriculum Training:

This PBS documentary outlines some of the physiological impacts that chronic and/or severe stress can have on our bodies, brains, and well-being.

In this video, we observe attachment in-action. As we see, a newborn already has the capacity for relationship and for co-regulation—even without physical touch!

In “Still Face with Dads” we see the rapid negative impact on a child when their caregiver is suddenly unavailable (consider impacts of grief, cell phone usage, or other normal things that preoccupy caregivers). BUT then we also see the rapid resilience that happens with the disconnect is repaired.